touch base: 一个职场邮件和口语中常用的短语

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touch base: 一个职场邮件和口语中常用的短语

#touch base: 一个职场邮件和口语中常用的短语| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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touch base 这个短语在工作场合的邮件和口语中用的频率都非常高 (an expression commonly used in a professional setting),你知道它的意思和来历吗?


I wanted to touch base with you regarding the next steps for the virtual assessments.

Is there anything else you want to touch base about?

I didn't hear from you for a while. So I wanted to touch base with you about your progress.

下面我们一起看一看touch base 在词典中的释义:


to talk to someone for a short time to find out how they are or what they think about something: 中文释义:(尤指在近期没有联系的情况下与某人) 取得联系,与某人联络沟通


to talk to someone to find out what is happening about somethingI just wanted to touch base and make sure you hadn’t changed your mind about seeing me. 我只是想问问,确认你没有改变主意不想见我。Origin (来历):This idiom comes from baseball where the runners need to touch the base to make a run legal.

这个习语是来自美国的棒球运动,在棒球场上,“base” 是指垒,当棒球员跑垒的时候,他必须触碰到垒 touch base 才算攻占那个垒。


touch base 这个短语中的touch是动词,base是个名词,所有动词的变化需要根据情况使用touch的不同形式,比如:be touching, touched, have/has touchedd等。

touch base with someone

touch base on/about something

touch base to do something

touch base with someone about/on something


Attending the party yesterday gave me a chance to touch base with several friends I had not seen for a year. 昨天参加聚会让我有机会和一年没见面的几个朋友取得了联系。

Before you sign the contract, you’d better touch base with your parents. 签字之前 ,你最好先跟你父母研究一下。

We will touch base to share new information about an ongoing project. 我们要碰个头交流一下正在进行的项目。

Could we touch base on our project next Wednesday? 下星期三我们能谈谈项目进展吗?

Can you find some time to touch base on our strategy for next year? 你能找个时间聊聊我们明年的计划吗?

We can touch base on the status of our visa application next week. 下周我们联系一下谈谈签证的申请情况。


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